1932 AD: Rare Image of Black Arabians

Black History In The Bible | #BHITB
A Virtual Museum of Israelite History & Culture
More Info “This small wooden statue of King Senusert the First was found in a private tomb. It consists of several pieces joined together with wooden pins.” Pharaoh Senusert was the second pharaoh of the twelfth dynasty of Egypt. He ruled from 1976 BC – 1926 BC.
Source: Museum of Fine Arts Boston Dates Referenced: 1184 BC – 1153 BC Title: Tile With Bound Philistine Chief More Info “Faience palace tile/inlay depicting captive Philistine chief with elbows bound behind; attributes include reddish skin; small, pointed beard; white robe and headband with fabric details in red, cream, and gray; feet broken.”
More Info “Facsimile replica of a copper head of a statue representing a Mesopotamian king, possibly Naram-Sin; shown with an elaborate royal hairstyle with plaited hair, chignon and headband. The original head was deliberately defaced: the ears and beard cut, the nose battered and one eye gouged out. This replica is mounted on a block…
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