Welcome to the The Omnidex. This is the worlds largest repository of black Israelite history and culture. Below you will find all of the information we have collected and organized by date and subject. If you do not see what you are looking for or to search for specific phrases, please use the search box on the right sidebar on your PC (tablets and phones scroll down).
The Omnidex uses a tagging system to link multiple items that have the same keyword in common. For instance, if an item’s page contains the word “Portugal”, it will be connected to other items that also relate to Portugal (click to see for yourself).
This way of linking items helps researchers to discover new connections that they might have overlooked otherwise. As the database of items expands over time, a more complete picture will emerge that will influence how future generations understand Israelite history.
Sample Description
Must See: A Timeline of Black Israelites and Black Jews Throughout History
| 2254 BC | 2218 BC | 2200s BC | 1976 BC | 1926 BC | 1900s BC | 1184 BC | 1153 BC | 1100s BC | 587 BC | 538 BC | 500s BC | 10s AD | 69 AD | 96 AD | 600s AD | 640 AD | 641 AD | 700s AD | 726 AD | 727 AD | 800s AD | 880 AD | 1000s AD | 1100s AD | 1300s AD | 1342 AD | 1350 AD | 1391 AD | 1400s AD | 1403 AD | 1422 AD | 1437 AD | 1444 AD | 1462 AD | 1480 AD | 1481 AD | 1483 AD | 1484 AD | 1492 AD | 1493 AD | 1495 AD | 1499 AD | 1500s AD | 1508 AD | 1540 AD | 1588 AD | 1600s AD | 1614 AD | 1627 AD | 1639 AD | 1641 AD | 1644 AD | 1647 AD | 1650 AD | 1658 AD | 1663 AD | 1665 AD | 1670 AD | 1700s AD | 1702 AD | 1710 AD | 1714 AD | 1720 AD | 1723 AD | 1734 AD | 1737 AD | 1743 AD | 1747 AD | 1751 AD | 1754 AD | 1760 AD | 1774 AD | 1776 AD | 1780 AD | 1782 AD | 1787 AD | 1794 AD | 1795 AD | 1796 AD | 1797 AD | 1799 AD | 1800s AD | 1820 AD | 1836 AD | 1843 AD | 1847 AD | 1864 AD | 1868 AD | 1873 AD | 1880 AD | 1884 AD | 1890 AD | 1900s AD | 1915 AD | 1920 AD | 1921 AD | 1926 AD | 1930 AD | 1932 AD | 1967 AD | 1969 AD | 1981 AD | 1987 AD | 2000s AD | 2013 AD | 2022 AD |
| Afghanistan | Amsterdam | Asia Minor | Baghdad | Benin | Biafra | Central Africa | Chaldea | China | Congo | Constantinople | Crete | Cochin | Dahomey | Denmark | Egypt | England | France | Gambia | Germany | Holland | India | Iraq | Italy | Jerusalem | Judea | Lamlam | Libya | Loango | London | Malabar | Mediterranean | Memphis | Mesopotamia | Morocco | Niger River | Nigeria | Nineveh | Palestine | Portugal | Rome | Sao Tome | Spain | Syria | Tartary | Timbuktu | Tunisia | United States | Whydah | West Africa | Yemen |
| Abyssinians | Asiatics | Barbarians | Bedouin | Caffers | Chaldeans | Copts | Egyptians | Ethiopians | Greeks | Hindus | Igbo | Israelites | Khazars | Mandingos | Mavumbu | Muslims | Nubians | Persians | Philistines | Portuguese | Romans | Turks |
| Albino | Black | Bridgeless Noses | Brown | Curly Hair | Dark Complexion | Flat Noses | Hooked Nose | Mulatto | Negroid | Olive | Powerful Jaws | Tawny | Thick Lips | Very Dark | Wide Nostrils |
| Harvard University | Michigan State University | Museum of Fine Arts Boston | Pennsylvania State University | Princeton | The British Museum | UNESCO | United Nations | University of California | University of Chicago | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | University of Michigan | White House |
Sample Description
| Allen H Godbey | Danville | Edrisi | Eldad | Emanuel Bowen | Frederick Douglass | Henry Kissinger | Herodotus | Jesus | John II | Leo Africanus | Livio Sanuto | Moses | Nebuchadnezzar | Tacitus | Vespasian |
| Asher | Benjamin | Dan | Ephraim | Gad | Issachar | Judah | Levi | Manasseh | Naphtali | Reuben | Simeon | Zebulon |
| Ashkenazi Jews | Bnai Ephraim | Black Jews | English Jews | Jerusalem Jews | Loango Jews | Moroccan Jews | Negro Jews | Portuguese Jews | Sephardic Jews | White Jews | Yemenite Jews |
| Intermarriage | Lost Tribes |