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“Many Jews also are scatter’d over this Region; some Natives, boasting themselves of Abrahams seed, inhabiting both sides the River Niger (Niger River): Others are Asian Strangers, who fled thither either from the desolation of Jerusalem by Vespasian; or from Judea wasted and depopulated by the Romans, Persians, Saracens, and Christians: Or else such as came out of Europe, whence they were banish’d, viz. Out of some parts of Italy in the year 1342. Out of Spain in the year 1462. Out of the Low-Countreys in 1350. Out of France in 1403. Out of England in 1422. These all differ in habit, and are divided into several Tribes, having no Dominion, though both wealthy and numerous, but despised of all Na∣tions, and so abominated by the Turks, that they are not admitted to be Mahumetans, unless first Baptized: And then no otherwise made use of, than to receive their Customes, and gather in their Taxes.”