Andrew Brice describes 1760 Negroland only containing 10 or 12 white families, while the rest were black Portuguese.
Link: Google Books
Original From: Harvard University
Author: Andrew Brice
Date: 1760 AD
Title: The Grand Gazetter Or Topographic Dictionary, Etc
Page: 622
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“GESVES the River and Village in Negroland. The River lies to the N. and N.E. of Bissaux Isle. The Village 65 leag. above its Mouth to E. and 40 fr. Bissaux to S. the River running alm. E. and W. The people inhabiting the Banks are partly Biafares and Idolaters, partly Mandingoes and Mohammedans The Portuguese have a Factory on the Banks. The Village contains near 4,000 Inhabitants, among whom, not above 10 or 12 Families of Whites, the rest all tawny or black, tho they stile themselves true Portuguese.”