Source: Princeton University
Creator: Herman Moll
Date: 1710 AD
Title: To the Right Honourable Charles, Earl of Peterborow and Monmouth, &c This Map of Africa . . . Is Most Humbly Dedicated.

More Info
The map shows the names Whiddah and Fida, which are alternate spellings for Whydah and Juda. Just above the kingdom of Whiddah / Fida, the note reads as follows:
“I am credibly informed, that the country about a hundred leagues north of the coast of Guinea is inhabited by white men or at least a different kind of people from the Blacks, who wear cloaths, and have use of letters,. make silk, and that some of them keep the Christian Sabbath.”
Possible Explanation For White People In West Africa
It is possible that the author was told that there were white people living in Guinea, but there is a possibility that albinos were being described. According to the following text, albinos were “common” among the Igbo, which lived in said area.
“Colour variations are prevalent from light olive to deepest black, and albinos are common. These freaks of nature are of unprepossessing appearance. They are not, however, treated as monstrosities ; indeed the mother of an albino is usually gratified with her offspring. They are termed by the people ndi-awcha, i.e., white people.”1
- Basden, George Thomas. 1921. Among The Ibos of Nigeria. p 31. ↩︎