The text refers to a place called "Yahoodie", which is a place of great trade possibly inhabited by the tribe of Judah. Jackson also believed that some of the tribes of Israel may have been in Central Africa.
Link: Google Books Author: Jackson, James Grey. Date: 1820. Title: An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa: Territories in the Interior of Africa. Page: 475
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“Yahoodie, a place of great trade.” This place is reported to be inhabited by one of the lost tribes of Israel, possibly an immigration from the tribe of Judah. Yahooda, in African Arabic, signifies Judah. Yahoodee signifies Jew. it is not impossible, that many of the lost tribes of Israel may be found dispersed in the interior regions of Africa, when we shall become better acquainted with the Continent; its is certain, that some of the nations that possessed the country eastward of Palestine when the Israelites were a favoured nation have emigrated to Africa.”